The Time and Material model is well-suited for projects with evolving requirements, long-term collaborations, or situations where you’re not entirely sure about the project’s final scope.

The Dedicated Team model

This offshore development model is the gold standard for most complex tech projects.

Here, you hire specific offshore developers dedicated just to your project. They become an integrated extension of your in-house staff.

The Dedicated Team model gives you unparalleled flexibility, alignment, and l oversight. You stay in the driver’s seat by managing the dedicated resources day-to-day, ensuring total control and smooth continuity. Plus, you can tweak team sizes and payment plans to your advantage.


  • Tight integration between onshore and offshore staff
  • Developers focused solely on your project and goals
  • Flexible scaling up or down as needs change
  • Access to scarce skills like AI, security experts
  • Lower costs while maintaining quality
  • Tight oversight and IP protection
  • Customisable team sizes and payment plans


  • Needs solid in-house project management
  • Potential time-zone complications

What it’s best for

The Dedicated Team model shines when you need a high degree of control, want a long-term development partner, and can commit to resource-intensive management.

Choosing the right model for your needs

At The Scalers, we specialise in building dedicated offshore teams tailored to each client’s needs.

We assemble versatile groups of professionals combining design, engineering, QA, and expertise. These dedicated teams operate as seamless extensions of core organisations.

Other models like T&M or Fixed Price can work for specific projects. But for most initiatives, Dedicated Teams will maximise outcomes, innovation, and value.

As software development goes global, talent and cost advantages are too significant to ignore. Dedicated teams allow you to access these benefits while maintaining control and continuity.

So, when it comes to strategic impact and execution, offshore dedicated teams check all the boxes!

Summing up

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